Shouldn’t Love Be Easy? 10.4.23

When couples seek me out for couples therapy, their stated goals usually revolves around acquiring new communication skills or improving conflict resolution strategies. While these aspirations are undeniably important, there’s a crucial process that often goes unmentioned: unlearning a lifetime’s worth of misconceptions about how relationships actually work….

The Potato Parable 11.7.23

One of my favorite analogies that I utilize when talking with clients is Carl Rogers’ potato story. Rogers, a profoundly influential psychotherapist of the twentieth century, approached his work through a humanistic lens, positing that people, at their core, inherently strive to be the best versions of themselves, utilizing the tools available to them. To some, it’s a bit of a radical concept considering we so often see people engaging in behaviors that actively harm themselves (e.g., drug misuse, self-harm, etc.). How in the world could such actions lead to the best version of themselves that someone strives for? This is where the potatoes come in.